8:30 a.m. - Registration reception
9:00 a.m. Concurrent Sessions
Concurrent Session VII – Demand Response and Heating Systems – Room I
Session Chair: Alcino Couto
1. Imbalance price prediction for the implicit demand response potential evaluation of an electrode boiler
Jens Baetens, Jeroen D. M. De Kooning, Greet Van Eetvelde and Lieven Vandevelde
2. Demand flexibility of space heating and cooling
Naim Majdalani, Daniel Aelenei, Rui Amaral Lopes and Carlos Santos Silva
3. ORC as bottoming cycle for internal engines CHP power plant with low heat demand – case study
Daniel Dragomir-Stanciu and Beatrice Radu
Concurrent Session VIII – Review of Electricity Markets – Room II
Session Chair: Marta Guerra Da Mota
1. The paradox of renewable energy in the production of electricity - Iberian market
Monica Meireles, Mafalda Sousa and Mara Madaleno
2. Electric power bid determination and evaluation for price taker units under price uncertainty
Ahmet Deniz Yücekaya and Jorge Valenzuela
3. Retrospecting the integration of renewable energy sources in the electricity price formation: is the MOE occurring in Portugal?
Daniela Macedo, António Marques and Olivier Damette
Concurrent Session IX – Alternative and Sustainable – Room III
Session Chair: Margarita Robaina
1. Main determinants of market battery electric vehicles in Europe: frational regression models for second stage DEA efficiency approaches
Sónia Neves, António Marques and Vitor Moutinho
2. Costs assesment and impact on the power sector of a transition towards H2 fueled vehicles
Borja Olavarría, José Villar, Fco Alberto Campos and Salvador Domenech
3. Demand response and energy storage: a portfolio to manage railway power system peaks due to synchronized timetables
Ana Garcia-Garre, Antonio Gabaldon, Maricarmen Ruiz Abellón, Antonio Guillamon, Juan Medina and Sergio Valero
10:15 a.m. - Coffee Break
10:45 a.m. - Concurrent Sessions
Concurrent Session X – Climate Change and Environment – Room I
Session Chair: Victor Moutinho
1. The importance of the economic sectorial diversification in sustainable energy in the OPEC countries: A new EKC application
Victor Moutinho, Vera Magalhães and António Marques
2. Climate change impacts on electricity demand: the Portuguese case
Susana Silva, Isabel Soares and Carlos Pinho
3. The role of ICT in energy consumption and environment in the Asian economies
Zeeshan Arshad and Margarita Robaina
Concurrent Session XI – Electricity markets analysis – Room II
Session Chair: Ahmet Yucekaya
1. Value of demand flexibility for providing ancillary services: a study of the Irish DS3 market
Osaru Agbonaye, Patrick Keatley, Motasem Bani Mustafa, Olu wasola Ademulegun, Ye Huang and Neil Hewitt
2. Emprising revival of Telangana power sector
Mohammed Shameem P
3. Impacts of renewables integration on electricity spot prices: the French case
Maxime Cremel and Olivier Damette
Concurrent Session XII – Sustainable Energy Sources – Room III
Session Chair: Sónia Neves
1. The Turkstream pipeline: a simple business policy or a Russian geopolitical energy project?
Nikolett Deutsch and Attila Virág
2. Computational tool in fuzzy environment to select sustainable alternatives of power generation for isolated areas of Colombia
Ana Maria Rosso Cerón, Viacheslav Kafarov and Andrés León-Esteban
3. The case for the use of forest biomass for electricity production as a land management tool in Portugal
Lígia Pinto, Sara Sousa and Marieta Valente
12:00 a.m. - Break
12:15 a.m. - Plenary Session – Room I
Electric Vehicles and Diversification of the Electricity Mix
Jorge Sousa - President of ISEL
1:15 p.m. – Lunch
2:30 p.m. - Concurrent Sessions
Concurrent Session XIII – DSM: Drivers and RegulationI – Room I
Session Chair: Victor Moutinho
1. Comparison between economic or environmental drivers for demand side aggregator
Mattia Barbero, Lluc Canals Casals and Cristina Corchero
2. Analysis of regulatory frameworks for hybrid systems consisting of battery storage and power-to-heat in selected European countries
Alena Worschech, Henning Wigger, Urte Brand, Benedikt Hanke, Patrick Draheim, Theys Diekmann, Frank Schuldt, Thomas Vogt and Karsten von Maydell
3. Main drivers of the electricity waste generation in 15 European Countries: Dynamic GMM regression models
Victor Moutinho, José Fuinhas, António Marques and Vera Magalhães
4. Electricity Demand side management in a Transitioning electricity system
Balasubramanian Sambasivam and Balachandra P
Concurrent Session XIV – Energy Efficiency – Room II
Session Chair: Lígia Pinto
1. Demand response for residential buildings: case studies and DR program design by the respond project
Paulo Lissa, Federico Seri and Marcus Keane
2. Prepaid electricity and in-home displays: an alternative for the most vulnerable households in Colombia
Juan Gallego, Jhon Jairo Garcia, Jamer Franco and Mateo Cardona
3. Assessing the relevance of the socio-economic barriers to energy efficiency in the building and transport sectors in eight European Countries
Francesco Colelli, Edoardo Croci and Tania Molteni
Concurrent Session XV – Energy storage - Room III
Session Chair: José Vilar
1. Upgrading wind and storage resources for increased demand-side energy generation and market value
Oluwasola Ademulegun, Patrick Keatley, Osaru Agbonaye and Neil Hewitt
2. Business case analysis of hybrid systems consisting of battery storage and power-to-heat on the German energy market
Patrick Draheim, Uli Schlachter, Henning Wigger, Alena Wor schech, Urte Brand, Theys Diekmann, Frank Schuldt, Benedikt Hanke, Thomas Vogt and Karsten von Maydell
3. Evaluation of active control strategies of electric thermal storage systems in residential building stock
Giuseppina Buttitta, Donal Finn and Colin N. Jones
3:45 a.m. - Coffee Break
4:00 p.m. - Plenary Sessions/Round Table – Room I
Isabel Apolinário Director of Pricing and Tariffs ERSE
Luísa Matos CEO of Virtual Power Solution
Isabel Soares President of APEEN
6:30 p.m. - Guided Tour – Urban Art WOOL at Covilhã