
Topics of Interest

  • Demand-Side Management Policy, Regulation and Environmental Policy;
  • Demand-Side Response: Policies and Implementation by end-user sectors;
  • Distributed Generation and Storage;
  • Local Energy Communities;
  • Prosumers;
  • Energy Efficiency: Planning, Investment and Implementation;
  • Electricity Tariffs and Pricing Schemes;
  • Internet of Things;
  • Smart Metering and Grids;
  • Review of Electricity Markets and Regulation;
  • Redesign of Electricity Markets;
  • Electricity Markets Analysis;
  • Regional Electricity Markets;
  • Shared Backups and Ancillary Services;
  • Climate Change and Regulation;
  • Sustainable Mobility;
  • Sustainable Energy.

Student Prize

The best article/presentation in 2019 APEEN Annual Conference will be awarded with an International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE) Student Prize, that is, (350$) and the annual membership rate payment of $50.00 to join APEEN/IAEE during one year.

A previous examining panel of three conference Scientific Committee members will be nominated in order to evaluate the articles sent by MsC and PhD students for the referred prize. The prize will be previously defined by examining panel but only attributed to presenting student which in effect attend the conference.

Submission Platform

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